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I asked myself…

one simple qouestion..

“what has motherhood taught me?”

Motherhood has taught me a new, completely different world I never know existed before..eventhough one of my biggest dreams is become a mother!. It also taught me to putting aside my BIG BIG ego for the sake of my daughther and my family. I learned time management, multitasking ( u tell me..!!), compassion, being responsible of anything involving my daughter, being organized including money off course.

Motherhood has taught me a  world of fun, play, purity, tolerance, humble, and unselfish love.

one thing for sure,

being a perfect mother is the hardest things to do..

motherhood is a continous learning…

so,  don’t stop learning!


every mother are the best mother to our children..


  1. halo mamah icha hehehe
    gimana ngeblognya? 😀

  2. dian,icha udh ngeklik yg tanda itu… trus gimana muncul di blogroll nya… maklum lemooot hehehe… widget nya yg mana sih?? btw itu blogroll yg skrg dr themes icha edit sama sekali… hihihi

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